Win a Fender guitarguitar Exclusive Roasted Player Stratocaster in Fiesta Red!

Published on 13 May 2024

There are two types of guitarists: those who own a Strat and those who want to own a Strat.

Roaring solos, chimy chords and smooth jazzy arpeggios are all possible on a Strat. The Player series is unparalleled in quality within its price range and even better when it’s packed with Custom Shop pickups.

Join the ranks of these Strat toting legends: Hendrix, Jeff Beck, SRV, Frusciante… good enough for them, good enough for us, right?

Whether you’re a professional gigging guitarist or a bedroom rockstar, you NEED a Strat. 

“Give me one, then!”, we hear you say. 

Well, it’s our 20th anniversary so why the heck not!

Win a Fender guitarguitar Exclusive Roasted Player Stratocaster in Fiesta Red! 

We really want you to have a Stratocaster in your collection so we’re giving away a shiny new Fender guitarguitar Exclusive Roasted Player Stratocaster in Fiesta Red with Custom Shop Pickups. 

Try your luck and enter your details in the box provided below. And if you want an extra chance to win, pop into your nearest guitarguitar and fill in the entry slip on the counter! You gotta be in it to win it. 

Keeping our fingers crossed!



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Marketing and Social Media Assistant

Obsessed with guitars, live shows & travels.

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